Curling is played with a spirit of good sportsmanship and conducted in an honourable manner, both on and off the ice.
- Start with a handshake. At the beginning of the game, greet the members of the opposing team with a handshake, tell them your name, and bid them “Good Curling”.
- Finish with a handshake. When the game is over, offer each of the players a hearty handshake and move off the ice. Reconvene in the lounge for comradery and refreshment of your choice.
- Keep the ice clean. Sand, grit and dirt are the ice’s worst enemy.
- The shoes you wear should only be used for curling. Keep them clean.
- Grippers break down. Replace them once or twice a year.
- Brooms get dirty and wear down. Brushes are available at each end to keep your broom clean. Replace your broom head at least once a year.
- Compliment good shots, no matter which team makes them. Respect your opponent.
- Be ready. Take your position in the hack as soon as your opponent has delivered their stone. Keep the game moving; delays detract from the sport.
- Be prepared to sweep as soon as your teammate releases the rock.
- Move to the side of the sheet between the hog lines after delivering your stone. Leads and seconds are not permitted in house/rings, except when sweeping or to remove the stones after the scoring has been determined by the vices.
- Be courteous. Do not distract your opponent in the hack.
- If you are waiting to shoot, stand off the ice behind your opponent.
- If you are waiting to sweep, stand on the sidelines between the hog lines.
- Stand still when a rock is being delivered.
9. All games should run in approximately 2 hours for 8 ends.
- If your game is an end or two behind all other games, you should pick up the pace.
- Each player should be ready to deliver their rock when their skip puts down the broom.
- Leads should place the Skip’s rock in front of the hack.
10. Curling is a self-governing game. Should you ever knowingly breach a rule, report it to the other team immediately.